About us

Modern general practice with traditional values

Meet the Team

GP Partners

Dr Melinda Creme (f) 
Dr Imogen Brunner (f)
Dr Rishi Chopra (m)


Dr Saba Rafieizadeh (f)
Dr Niroshan Neminathan (m)
Dr Aarathi Krishnan (f)
Dr Fiona Kennedy (f)
Dr Anu Bathula (f)
Dr Gila Milner (f)
Dr Sadhia Khan (f)
Dr Ilyas Sulaiman (m)
Dr Fariah Khan (f)

Nursing team

Jo (Jaouida) Ifghallal (f) – Nursing Team Leader 
Ms Nadia Thomas (f) – Healthcare assistant
Menen Kidanemariam  - Healthcare assistant
Natalia Moussa – Healthcare assistant

Practice Management

Siobhan Browne (f) – Business Manager
Nicola Melton Operations Manager


Lorraine Carruthers
Nicola Barnfather
Janette Gilbride 
Kelly Ford 
Lorraine Ward  
Jade Wildman
Barbara Melton 

Administration Team

Lesley Freeman
Lara Blooman 
Izzy Pickstock 
Marufa Begum 
Nerea Viqueira

General Practice Assistants

Nerea Viqueira
Natalia Moussa – Healthcare assistant

Care Navigators

Ruth Draper
Tamara Al-Mosawi

Clinical Pharmacists

Lakshaan Arunthavarajah
Chhaya Shah

Health and Wellbeing Coach

Carolina Romero

Other Clinical/Support Workers

Krupa Mehta – First Contact Physio (FCP) 
Sophie McFarland – Dietitian

Who else you might see at our practice?

Alongside GPs and nurses, there are a number of other healthcare professionals that support our patients at the practice. They help us proactively address your health needs and increase your access to Primary Care. These roles form what is known as the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) which was introduced into the NHS in 2019. You can read more about AARS here.

About the PCN

Our Practice is part of the Regent Health Primary Care Network (PCN)

There are 1,250 PCNs across England based on GP registered patient lists, typically serving natural communities of between 30,000 to 50,000 people. PCNs bring together GP Practices, community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services. Regent Health PCN’s vision is to provide accessible and high-quality healthcare while maximising NHS resources and reducing barriers.  

Find out more

Paddington Green Health Centre is also a member of Healthcare Central London (HCL)

Healthcare Central London is the GP Federation which covers the whole of Westminster and includes the Regents Health PCN. There are three other PCNs which cover the geographical area of Westminster.

HCL supports us to provide services for our Westminster residents including out-of-hours appointments , cardiology and diabetes hubs.

Find out more

GP Earnings

All GP practices are required to declare mean earnings (ie average pay) for GP’s working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.

The average pay for GPs working in the practice of Paddington Green Health Centre in the last financial year 2018-19 was £46,709 before tax and National Insurance.

This is for 1 full time GP, 8 part time GPs and 2 Locum GPs, who have worked in the practice for more than six months.

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) makes sure hospitals, care homes, dental and GP surgeries plus all other care services in England provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care, and encourage them to make improvements where possible. 

They do this by inspecting services and publishing the results on their website: www.cqc.org.uk 

You can use the results to help you make better decisions about the care you, or someone you care for, receives. 

Our practice is inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure we are meeting essential standards of quality and safety. Our last review was the 12th June 2019 – You can view the outcome of the visit here. 

Integrated Care System

This practice is part of North West London Intergrated Care System

NWL ICS is the organisation responsible for planning and buying (commissioning) health services for the people living in Westminster. 

We are made up of 35 GP practices that serve a registered patient population of 190,000. We are committed to improving the care provided to patients, reducing health inequalities and raising the quality and standards of GP practices whilst achieving a financial balance. 

The ICS is overseen by NHS England which makes sure we have the capacity and capability to commission services successfully and to meet our financial responsibilities. 

Suggestions, Comments and Complaints 

We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice. 

However, we are aware that things can go wrong and if this happens we would like to put things right as quickly as possible. Simply contact the Practice Manager, Siobhan Browne, and she will set all the necessary wheels in motion. 

Siobhan also holds a feedback session every Monday with patients, this can be about anything positive or negative that you would like to feedback or discuss. Siobhan is happy to meet with you either face to face or by telephone. Please call reception on 0207 887 1600 if you would like to arrange an appointment with Siobhan. 

Any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated. 

We regularly reflect on feedback and continually strive to improve our services.


Friends and Family Test  

The NHS Friends and Family Test was created to help Practices better understand if their patients are happy with the services provided. 

Submit your feedback